2023 Build A Pool+ Conference - Programming Precedes Design

Designed to help you on the road to building, renovating, and operating an aquatic facility, Total Aquatic Programming's Build A Pool+ Conference will provide the answers and organization you are looking for.


2023 Theme "Programming Precedes Design"

BAP+ prepares the consumer to know what questions to ask when working with aquatic professionals. We can help to turn your Pool(s) into an Aquatic Business for a functional & sustainable bottom line. You will learn the WHAT - WHY - WHO - HOW of your pool project.

Register for Build A Pool+ with Code:BAPREF


  • What is an Aquatic Business?
  • Why build an Aquatic Business?
  • Who will be on the project team?
  • How to design, develop, and deliver water programming?
  • What is the cost to build?
  • What is the cost to operate?

Presenters, Mick and Sue Nelson of TAP LLC and Kevin Post of Counsilman Hunsaker will lead the attendees through the steps of building, renovating, and operating a pool project, while providing real answers to your questions. 

CTS_BAP+ Landing Page
Register for Build A Pool+ with Code:BAPREF
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